Recommended: American Tabloid by James Ellroy

I read American Tabloid at the very end of last year, and I’m still constantly thinking about it. It was that good (and right up my alley, interest wise). It follows three men intertwined with the FBI and the Mob leading up to the Bay of Pigs and JFK’s assassination. I struggled to put it down and finished it in something like 9 days. If you like crime stories, spy stories, and the seedy underbelly of U.S. history (especially the 1960’s, like me) you will love this book. His writing style is quick and brutal, like a knife to the gut. I’m starting the second novel in the Underworld USA trilogy (badass, right?) today, and as you can tell, I’m excited.

James Ellroy calls himself the greatest crime writer to ever do it, and somehow I don’t shake my head in disgust at his ego. I just nod. He’s probably right.