Habits Towards Goals

I’m personally a big fan of the end of the year. You get to reflect on what you liked about the last year and what you didn’t, what you want to continue and what you want to change. The new year allows you to start with somewhat of a blank slate, fresh to pursue new goals, experiences and adventures.  I’m spending the end of 2017 thinking about what I want out of 2018, what I want to add to my life and what I want to leave behind. One thing I’m going to try to do, beyond just identifying my goals, is identify the habits that will help me achieve my goal. Having goals is important,  but you need to know how to get there, and for real, sustainable change, you need to change your habits. Below is something I previously wrote on habits that I’ll be reviewing and trying to instill as I pursue my goals in 2018. Best of luck with whatever you set out to do and have a wonderful new year!
