The Shitstream

The more time you spend in the shit stream, the stupider and more boring and just like everyone else you will be. – Tim Kreider

I love Tim Kreider’s book, We Learn Nothing, but I believe I first saw this quote from Austin Kleon. I know Austin frequently mentions how Twitter itself is the purest embodiment of the never ending, slimy, oozing shitstream we cannot escape.

Except we can. It’s fucking hard, but within our power. More on that in a bit.

The original quote comes from an AdviceToWriters interview with Kreider: “The more time you spend immersed in the shitstream of TV/internet/social media the stupider and more boring and just like everyone else you will be. Hang out in real life having good conversations with brilliant and hilarious people, so you can steal their ideas and all the clever things they say. Spend a lot of time alone so you can think up some original thoughts of your own. Have adventures. Get paid.”

He’s speaking in terms of being the best writer you can be, but I think in our world today, avoiding the shitstream is fundamental if you want to become the best person you can be.

What is the shitstream? It can take many forms. It’s checking your phone the second you wake up. It’s the seventeen BREAKING NEWS notifications waiting for you there. It’s refreshing Twitter every few seconds even when you know there’s nothing new, let alone anything that will have the slightest impact on your life. The shitstream of yesterday were billboards and infomercials, but now they’re attached to us, screaming from our pockets. The shitstream can be so many things, because we are increasingly inundated with new garbage ready for us the second we’re bored. The shitstream is what you pay attention to when you don’t want to face ______. It’s what you pull up to distract yourself when you want to avoid something, whether it’s that tough conversation you need to have, the exam you should be studying for, or even just being alone with your thoughts for more than a few minutes straight.

In order to be original, creative, fresh thinkers, we need to pull our heads out of what everyone else is consuming. But in order to keep our sanity, to maintain our well-being, to be healthy, happy individuals, we MUST pull our heads out of the shitstream to breathe in the air and just fucking be.

The internet has always had this pull, but it became crystal clear how explosive and harmful it could be with the 2016 election and beyond. From that point on it’s kept us glued to a screen, itching to hear the next fresh horror. I know this is terrible for me yet have felt helpless trying to battle it back. I’ve blocked Twitter from my computer only to find that the Mobile version is somehow unblockable on my work desktop. There goes that barrier, and with a click there goes my attention. I’ve tried to set self-imposed windows to peek at the news without it swallowing me up, only to pull myself out of the wreckage an hour later, furious at what the head of the EPA is doing, and even more furious at myself for knowing what the fucking head of the EPA is doing. The addicting nature of the internet, purposeful and by design, has overpowered our willpower and discipline. But there are potential solutions worth trying out that we’ll get to. Because we must try. We must try to eliminate the shitstream from our lives as much as we can, so that we can have the freedom to spend time doing the things that we love, that interest us, that make us happy. It’s an ongoing process, filled with proud advances and frustrating backslides. But that’s life.

I don’t want to spend too much time expounding this. I do want to give it a proper introduction though, because I’m going to periodically post examples of the SHITSTREAM and the harm it’s causing us, along with examples of the ANTI-SHITSTREAM, showcasing the tools we can use to help ourselves become free of it, and the people who recognize it and are doing something about it in their own way. Let’s start by looking at two of my favorite comedians: Aziz Ansari and Louis CK.

Continue reading “The Shitstream”

TV Bits 8/3/17

Preacher S2

A lot of great minds advocate skipping around in books, picking them up and putting them down as you please, jumping ahead to a chapter that interests you. I recently applied this to TV. A lot of the time, what keeps me from jumping in to a show is the sheer time commitment it demands. I watched  the 1st episode of Preacher when it premiered but skipped the rest of a somewhat mixed bag of a first season.  When I read they’d learned from some of their initial missteps and were expanding the scope a bit, I decided to jump right in to the second season.

And it was a great fucking decision. The second season is fun dude. The main trio is funny and have great chemistry, and they’re each specifically fucked up individuals dealing with their own shit. There’s lots of over-the-top violence and crazy bad guys ranging from soul-sucking Japanese businessmen, to unkillable, former Civil War solider demons from Hell. Oh, and Hitler is a character, also in Hell. The latest episode properly introduced another big bad, Herr Star, and this episode, titled “Pig”, is the third in a row of maniacal excellence. The first episode of the season starts off with an absolute bang, and while the next couple are good, they’re building towards the momentum we’re currently in. And I’m diggin’ it. 

Don’t be afraid to jump in with the second season. Here’s a couple recaps if you want to be somewhat aware of what’s going on in this shitshow.

Game of Thrones S7

Damn I loved that last episode. The scenes with Jon and Dany and co. were some of the most enjoyable talking scenes the show’s had in quite awhile.

And on a random note, I love how Sam just has a family, despite being a member of the Night’s Watch and training to be a maester. Fuck the rules man, Whitewalkers are coming. I’m gonna live how I wanna live!

Rick and Morty S3

I was kind of underwhelmed with the 2nd episode, possibly because the season 2 finale and 3 opener were just that amazing, possibly because I watched it right before GoT. I’m not complaining though. It’s back. Wubba lubba dub dub!

Wet Hot America Summer: Ten Years Later

This drops tomorrow on Netflix. I recently rewatched the first series which takes place before the movie, despite being released 15 years after it. This one takes place 10 years after the original movie. If that sounds overly confusing, don’t worry about it. The show is fucking hilarious, and features everyone from Amy Poehler and Paul Rudd to Jon Hamm and Bradley Cooper. It’s unlike any comedy going right now, and while it may not be for everybody, I love it.

X-Men: Grand Design Announced

Well, this is exactly what I’ve been looking for. Growing up on X-Men The Animated Series, playing the arcade games, and hours spent running around with the action figures,  I’ve been a firmly entrenched fan of the X-Men and it’s lore since I was a kid. But I never really got into the original comics. I recently tried jumping in at various points of Chris Claremont’s run (the fuckin’ Godfather of the X-Men), but could never get into it (felt a little too dated and LOTS of talking). But this, this looks perfect.

X-Men: The Grand Design will be a re-telling of the original X-Men run, in “six 40-page comics…that unify the first 280 original issues of X-Men into a single storyline.” And Ed Piskor is doing it all: writing, penciling, inking, coloring and lettering every panel, “likely the first time in Marvel’s history a single artist has had that honor.” Piskor saw that it “could be streamlined, shorn of what he calls ‘redundancy,’ ‘deus ex machina nonsense’ and stuff ‘that completely doesn’t work’.” And that sounds perfect to me: a streamlined retelling of the story still presented in the colorfully retro style.

Ed tweeted this pin-up of the X-Men drawn in his style in 2015 and said “Marvel should let me make any kind of X-Men comic I feel like making”. And they did.

It’ll be quite a wait though, as the first issue isn’t out until December, and the trade paperback not until April of 2018. So in the meantime I might check out his groundbreaking work, Hip Hop Family Tree, which is drawn in the same style as this upcoming project (and looks dope). Put this on my ‘highly anticipated’ list fo sho though.

Preview page from X-Men: The Grand Design

Check out Ed’s tumblr for more art and info on the project.

Recommended: The Spy Novels of Trevanian

Trevanian’s protagonists all fit the same mold. They’re geniuses, masters of many fields, and they disdain basically everyone around them. James Bond, but somehow even more of a dick. Former assassins who just want to be left alone to their specific interests (gardening, mountaineering, art collecting, lovemaking) yet each time are leveraged into doing “one-last-job” for whichever faceless monolithic espionage unit comes calling this time.

And yes, the author is Trevanian, one word, one badass pseudonym. Glancing at his Wikipedia page perfectly describes him: “the only writer of airport paperbacks to be compared to Zola, Ian Fleming, Poe and Chaucer.” The novels are pulpy and the writing fits well with his protagonists: witty, cynical, and to the point.

I’ve read two of his spy novels and I’m in the middle of my third. The first was Shibumi, which was straight down my fucking strike zone . Here’s a bit from Amazon’s summary: “Hel survived the destruction of Hiroshima to emerge as the world’s most artful lover and its most accomplished—and well-paid—assassin. Hel is a genius, a mystic, and a master of language and culture, and his secret is his determination to attain a rare kind of personal excellence, a state of effortless perfection known only as shibumi.” This is probably my favorite of the three, but just slightly over the next one.

The second, The Eiger Sanction is incredibly similar, but with enough of a twist to keep it fresh.

This time our genius playboy spy is “an art professor, a mountain climber, and a mercenary, performing assassinations (i.e., sanctions) for money to augment his black-market art collection”. I’m now reading the follow-up, The Loo Sanction, which isn’t as good as the first two, but is still thoroughly entertaining. The Sanctions are designed more as direct spoofs of Agent 007, but are damn fun in their own right.

If you’re into the spy genre at all, I think you’ll dig Trevanian.

Win It All

Joe Swanberg crafts a happier, briefer John Cassavettes film. This one really called out his influence, from the naturalistic camera, shot on beautiful, grainy film, to a protagonist writhing around in shit-storms of their own creation. Jake Johnson’s face steals the show, as always. The mania and agony he physically embodies is a joy to watch. Win It All is a one man show for Johnson, who co-wrote the film with Swanberg.  This is their third collaboration, the first being the equally great Drinking Buddies (also on Netflix). I really dig these kinds of movies and hope  Netflix and Amazon continue to allow a place for more like them. I’m excited to see what this duo does next, both separately and  collaboratively.

If you’re interested in Cassavettes, check out The Killing of a Chinese Bookie and A Woman Under the Influence. His quotes on life and filmmaking  might be even more interesting than his movies though. He’s a fascinating individual who lived an authentic life.